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Baptism, Weddings, Funerals

For each of us, there are times of great transition in our lives.  Often, marking those transitions with a community of faith makes those transitions feel hopeful and intentional in a different way…it is inviting God to be present in our transitions.  At The Falls Church, we want to help you mark those moments in a way that is meaningful and fulfilling for you and your family.


Holy Baptism by water and the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is full initiation into membership in the church.  The Baptized make up the community of believers and disciples of Jesus Christ defined in the New Testament as the Body of Christ.  It is a radical choice to live as Christ and to be Christ for the world. We take on vows of both belief in our Trinitarian God and on how we will live, striving to make the world a better place as we love and serve others as Christ. Persons of any age may be baptized at The Falls Church Episcopal. Parents and Godparents make commitments on behalf of the child they present for Baptism to raise them in the community of faith.


Baptism is the church’s celebration in which those baptized receive the new family name “Christian” and hence family surnames are not used.  The Sacrament of Baptism is about becoming a member of the family of the church and so Baptisms are celebrated within the community of the church gathered on special days that are most important in the life of the church to observe and celebrate this sacrament. These appropriately focused days are The Easter Vigil, Pentecost, All Saints’ Sunday, The Baptism of our Lord, and when the Bishop visits.  At the Falls Church Episcopal, because of the large number of families with children, we also will add additional baptism Sundays during the year giving more options.  Baptisms usually do not take place in Advent or Lent. 


For additional information, please contact Rev'd. Julius Rodriguez, Interim Associate Rector at​​



In the Episcopal tradition, Confirmation is when a baptized person who has been instructed in the Christian faith makes a mature commitment to God within a worship setting and receives a special blessing and prayer from a bishop.  It is a reaffirmation as an adult of our baptismal vows, and a request that the Holy Spirit empower each person with the gifts they need for their unique ministry. For additional information on Confirmation, please contactRev'd. Julius Rodriguez, Interim Associate Rector at


Christian marriage is a sacrament of the church in which a couple takes life-long vows before God, their families, and the Church, seeking God’s grace and blessing to help them fulfill these vows. Couples contemplating marriage at The Falls Church Episcopal should contact Parish Administrator to arrange a date and allow time for premarital counseling.


“I am Resurrection and I am Life, says the Lord.” In the Episcopal tradition, each funeral is considered to be an Easter service that emphasizes hope in Christ for a life to come.  This means that our funerals are celebrations of the lives of those we have lost that make space for grief while anticipating God’s promises that there is much more to life than we know. Please contact the Parish Administrator office at or 703-241-0003 (ext. 4404)  

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