fellowship opportunities
Hospitality is at the core of our Christian identity, and it is reflected in the various fellowship opportunities that happen on a weekly, monthly, or even yearly basis.

Coffee Hour
On Sundays after each service we gather in the Fellowship Hall for a relaxed time of conversation and food. Our hardworking kitchen volunteers lay out quite the spread of sweets, fruits and vegetables, and casseroles each and every Sunday. Jesus often gathered people together around food, modeling for us the transformative nature of sharing a meal together. Coffee Hour is really at the heart of our congregational life, and all are most welcome at the table.
Our yearly parish retreat happens each Columbus Day weekend at the diocesan camp, Shrine Mont. The entire congregation is invited to escape the busyness of the city and unwind in the Blue Ridge Mountains from Friday night through Sunday morning. The weekend has scheduled activities for all ages and also includes lots of free time for hikes, games, or naps. It’s a great way for members of the congregation both new and old to get a chance to know each other in a smaller group setting.
Young Family Fellowship
On the third Thursday of each month, families with pre-school and young elementary aged children gather in the Fellowship Hall for pizza and conversation in a relaxed, family friendly environment. The kids run around, the parents have a laugh, and friendships are born.
Bridge Group
Calling all card players! Tuesday mornings from 10am to noon our bridge players gather in the parlor for a couple hours of coffee, snacks, fellowship, and bridge.
Vestry Sponsored Dinners
Each Fall members of our vestry sponsor a series of dinners in their homes as an opportunity for people to get to know one another. These dinners often include a conversation starter to help people think about how their faith impacts their lives, and what The Falls Church might be doing to better support people in the church and in the community.
Bible Studies
Lay-led Bible Studies organically pop up amongst the congregation, often for people at similar times of life. We currently have Bible Study groups for Mothers of Young Children and a Men’s group that meets at the Metro 29 Diner.