I do not get reminded of my passion for working with children of youth as much as I would like. Often, I get caught up in paperwork and meetings, the day-to-day of the career and I do not have extra minutes to spend doing the part of the job that really and truly energizes me. I was fortunate enough to spend a month working with Shrine Mont Summer Camps as they prepared for and hosted 200+ campers in the time that I got to spend with them. Working with a group of young adults, who were dedicated to making camp a place where everyone can come and experience God, ended up being almost a month of being pushed and stretched to my limits AND a reminder of why I do the work that I do.
I did not have to wait that long to come back and put that renewed sense of love and purpose into practice. When Lauren Breeden let everyone know that she was sick on Monday morning, the Monday morning that VBS was kicking off, I got to act as the Director of VBS. It has been seven years since I have been in that role before coming to The Falls Church and I forgot just how amazing that role can be. I got to sing and dance with 65 campers who were so willing to be unashamedly goofy and happy. I got to spend my day playing capture the flag and painting clay pots. I got to work with the most amazing group of adults who were always flexible and constantly attentive to the needs of the campers. I got to watch as 19 youth took on the roles of leadership and constantly sought ways to be more helpful. I got to sing happy birthday 10 times to one person on one day.
VBS and Shrine Mont Camps have been astoundingly special this year, and I was lucky enough to be included in them. Whether that was special planning to make sure I am at Shrine Mont only when I can still perform my duties from the mountain or coming back into the ever-changing landscape of VBS, I GOT to be there. I got to see the active work that God is doing in our community through our community. I got to see the ways that kids, teenagers, college students, and adults change each other's lives simply by being a part of a Godly community and bringing others into that space with them.
So, for all of the 'I' and 'me' statements that I have made, please know that it is you all who are doing the work. It is those of you who are participating in VBS for the thousandth time or the first. It is you all who are sending your campers to Shrine Mont and VBS. It is all the youth who spent 6 hours of their day last week making sure our campers rotated correctly. It is the summer staff at Shrine Mont who lead hikes and activities. It is all of you who make the Body of Christ so special, and I am just thrilled to be a part of it.
John Wunderlich
Director of Youth Ministries and Liturgical Volunteer Coordinator